# rsync from -> to
rsync -avzh 192.168.10.x:/.../datei.tar.gz /FOLDER/

# flags
-a   archive
      -r    recursive
      -l    links (copy symlinks)
      -p   preserve permissions
      -t    preserve modification times
      -g   preserve group
      -o   preserve owner (super-user only)
      -D   preserve device files (super-user only)
-v  verbose
-z   compress
-h   human readable

# Bsp mit sudo Rechten: rsync --dry-run --rsync-path='sudo rsync' FOLDER USER@SERVER:/FOLDER/

# sourcecopy from -> to

# Remote to remote via tunnel
ssh -t -A -R10000:TUNNELSERVER SERVER 'rsync -e "ssh -l USER -p 10000" -avz /FOLDER localhost:/tmp/'
# flags